6 Foods That Can Lead To Dental Problems

The best dentist in Waterloo will help solve all your dental issues and advise you on the best ways to avoid them. Your diet will form an integral part of the advice.

Contrary to popular belief, sugars are not the sole cause of most dental issues. Take plaque as an example; it is a bacteria-filled sticky film that coats teeth. If left unchecked, it leads to an increased risk of gum-related complications. Besides proving pricey when rectifying, gum and other dental complications can permanently alter the standard ways of life.

The best dentist in Waterloo will employ the highest level of professionalism when discharging their services. However, effectively putting your dental issues behind you, or avoiding them, is a collective effort that includes your contribution. As much as you might be aware of what good dental habits entail, paying attention to the following foods can improve your oral health as well.

1. Ice
Chewing ice is harmless; well, that might be your thinking. If used the right way, such as chilling beverages, ice cubes pose no harm. On the other hand, deciding to chew on ice can harm enamel and make you vulnerable to dental issues such as loose crowns, chipped, cracked, and broken teeth.

2. Alcohol
There has been a lot of debate about alcohol, and most people will agree that it isn't healthy. You might not know it, but drinking alcohol dries out your mouth. Besides aiding digestion, saliva helps in washing away food that remains from your mouth and teeth. The solution to this is simple, drink a lot of water or use oral hydration solutions when you’re enjoying alcoholic beverages.

3. Bread
Proponents of better nutrition promote bread as a balanced food. However, what you might not know is that when you chew bread, saliva converts the starches into sugars, which elevates the risk of eroding your teeth. If you have to consume bread, you should stick to whole wheat or the unrefined varieties.

4. Carbonated drinks
Drinking lots of carbonated sodas can be harmful to your teeth. This is because carbonated sodas motivate plaque to produce more acids, which eventually attack your enamel. Besides that, dark-colored drinks can contribute to the discoloration of teeth.

5. Dried fruits
Dried fruits can get stuck in between the teeth or their crevices, they might leave behind sugars, which might eventually lead to cavities. After eating dried fruits, it’s important to rinse your mouth using a lot of water, then brush and floss.

6. Potato chips
Potato chips are great if you love satisfying your taste buds; sadly, they are packed with starch, which is eventually converted into sugars. If trapped between your teeth, the sugars feed the bacteria in the plaque. You are, therefore, strongly advised to floss after consuming the potato chips.


The best dentist in Waterloo will employ the highest level of professionalism when serving you. They will also advise you on the need for maintaining good dental habits, and that includes paying attention to the foods you consume.

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