Oral Surgery

& Sedation Dentistry


For all surgical procedures, patients may discuss sedation options with a dentist. One day after surgery, we give a “care call” to check up on our patients. There is often a follow-up appointment one week after treatment to remove sutures, answer any questions or concerns, and ensure your comfort and well-being.


KWC Dental Extractions

Leaving tooth decay untreated can result in the progression of decay to the point where we can no longer restore the tooth with a typical composite filling. In this case, patients have some options depending on the severity:

  • A crown or other fixed prosthetic appliance (inlays or onlays) to preserve the remaining parts of the tooth

  • Root canal therapy

  • A combination of root canal therapy and placement of a prosthetic appliance afterwards

  • Have the tooth removed altogether (extraction)

At our offices, patients can choose to have local anaesthesia or be sedated for this procedure. For more complex cases, however, the dentist may recommend sedation.


KWC Teeth Surgery

Wisdom teeth are an extra set of molars that we do not need in our modern-day lives. They typically erupt between the ages of 17-25, but can sometimes come in sooner. They may become infected, cause pain, crowding in the mouth, and damage to other teeth. Most of the time, wisdom teeth are problematic when they erupt horizontally and impact other teeth. Wisdom teeth are often more susceptible to problems than other teeth because of their location and positioning which makes them difficult to keep clean - we often call them “food traps”!

For wisdom tooth surgery, we take a panoramic x-ray, which captures an image of the entire mouth, including the upper and lower jaws, teeth, sinuses, and surrounding hard tissues. This helps us determine if the wisdom teeth are present, the stage at which they are erupting, or if they are impacting/affecting adjacent teeth.

Removal of wisdom teeth is a surgical procedure which often requires sedation. For more information, book a free consultation today!


Periodontal disease (periodontitis) is more common than you might think. It is one of the most common diseases in humans, and it can manifest in the mouth in various ways. It can be acute or chronic, localized or generalized, and can range from mild to severe in nature.

Periodontitis is commonly associated with reduced bone levels, which are apparent in the x-rays we take at your regular check-ups and cleaning appointments. If left untreated, bacteria that cause gum disease can have severe consequences, like sepsis, as they may reach the bloodstream. Bacteria travel along the gums, teeth, and bone in areas that are impossible to reach with a brush, and can only be cleaned by a dental hygienist. Periodontitis can increase the risk of certain major health issues, such as heart disease, stroke, respiratory diseases, and pregnancy complications.

Some common causes of periodontitis:

KWC dental Gumdisease
  • Migration of bacteria between gums and teeth as a result of poor oral hygiene (not brushing & flossing, not getting regular dental cleanings)

  • Gingival recession from brushing too hard

  • Infection of gingival tissues

  • Genetic predisposition to periodontitis

Common signs of periodontitis:

  • Bleeding gums

  • Red or swollen gums

  • Exposed roots

  • Sensitivity and pain when eating or drinking

There are many ways to treat periodontitis. In mild cases, our team will conduct a “deep cleaning”, also known as scaling and root planing (SRP), where the root surfaces of teeth are debrided of bacteria. The longer periodontitis is left untreated, the more it progresses, and risk of major health issues increases. In such cases, a deep cleaning may not be sufficient.

In more severe cases, periodontal surgery may be recommended. A gingivectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of gum tissue from certain areas that are interfering with your ability to accomodate a certain treatment (like certain prosthetic appliances) in that location. For more information, book a free consultation today!


A sinus lift is a surgical procedure that is required when insufficient bone levels are found in the area of the sinus. This treatment is performed in the instance where an implant is desired in the bone nearest the back half of the upper jaw (nearest the sinus) where there is not enough bone level to support its placement. A hole is first made in the bone, and bone grafting material is then pressed in, which repositions the sinus upwards, granting more space for the bone to develop and accommodate an implant. The amount of time for bone to develop and heal depends on the amount of bone required, and differs from person to person.


Bone grafting is a procedure that is performed in order to increase the levels of bone where there is bone loss, often to support various fixed or removable prosthetic appliances. For this procedure, bone material is taken from one site and placed in the site that is lacking, so that it can support an implant or other prosthetic appliances in a retentive and comfortable manner.


A frenectomy involves the removal of the frenum when it is at an attachment site that interferes with future placement of any prosthetic appliance, like dentures or bridges. Frenectomies can also be performed for cosmetic purposes, like when the frenum hangs low and creates a gap, most commonly when the attachment site is right between the two front teeth.


An apicoectomy is an endodontic procedure that is often required when a root canal is not sufficient to eliminate the infection from the site. It involves sectioning the gum and bone tissue surrounding the apex of the root of the affected tooth. First, there is an incision in gum and bone which creates access to the infected site so we can remove bacteria and necrotic/dead tissue, and sometimes the tip of the root if it is involved. The end of the root is then sealed off to prevent further migration of bacteria in the tissues.


Bone tori are normal, physiologic expansions of alveolar bone in certain areas of the jaws. Although these bone overgrowths are normal and harmless, they can interfere with the placement of prosthetic appliances such as dentures. Removal of bone tori often allows for a more comfortable fit and a longer lasting appliance.


Cysts are apparent in x-rays of the bone. In order to determine whether a cyst is benign or malignant, we conduct an incisional or excisional biopsy (depending on its size), which involves removal of the entire or partial cyst and a histopathological analysis. This surgical procedure involves incision to access and remove the cyst, curettage and irrigation of the socket, then suturing, which may or may not be required depending on the size of the incision or size of the cyst.


KWCdental Sedation

We understand that many people have anxiety about going to the dentist. Sedation eases your worries and helps you relax in the dental chair during treatment. For certain surgical procedures, the dentist will recommend sedation. If you are afraid of dental treatment, are prone to soreness in the mouth, have resistance to local anaesthetic, or have general anxiety, you should consider sedation.

We offer oral sedatives and nitrous oxide sedation. To find out what works best for you, book a free consultation today!

Sedation may or may not be suitable if you have certain health issues - a medical consult with your physician may be requested depending on your medications, conditions, and severity of those conditions.