Dental Cleaning Cost: Average Cost of the Procedure

Average Cost of the Procedure

Oral health is interconnected to your general health, as many diseases are related to poor dental health.

Regular dental cleaning is important to guarantee that your teeth are safe from dental decay and different types of oral infections.

As we talk about dental cleaning procedures, the majority are curious about the dental cleaning cost.

Therefore, this blog will provide a clear and brief overview of your dental cleaning cost and how much it costs to clean your teeth without insurance.

Read on to budget for your dental care needs.

Learn More: Free Dental Care Ontario for Adults: The Most Comprehensive Guide You Will Need in 2024

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Dental Cleaning?

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Dental Cleaning

If you are not paying attention to your oral health, you can't consider yourself healthy.

If you think that scheduling an appointment with your doctor for a comprehensive physical assessment is important, cleaning your teeth is equally crucial.

In terms of your physical and mental well-being, it's all part of being proactive and taking precautions. 

Here are the reasons for going for dental cleaning:

1.Prevents Tartar Accumulation 

Dental cleanings assist in removing plaque accumulation, which can cause cavities. 

If left untreated, plaque, a sticky layer of bacteria, can solidify into tartar on teeth. 

It is imperative to get tartar removed by a dental professional, as it cannot be eliminated by simple brushing or flossing. 

In the subsequent section of this dental cleaning cost guide, we will cover how the solidified tartar is found and removed from the teeth.

2.Prevents Gum Disease

If you take plaque accumulation lightly and choose to save on your dental cleaning cost, you may increase your risk of gum disease.

Gum disease is an infection that attacks the gum line and, if ignored, can result in bleeding, swelling, and even tooth loss. 

Because plaque and tartar deposits are removed during routine dental cleanings, gum disease can be avoided.

3.Freshens Up Breath  

By eliminating germs and food particles that can cause foul breath, dental cleanings help you get comfortable in public.

4.Early Dental Issue Detection

If you think spending on dental cleaning cost is unworthy, keep in mind that it can save you from future problems.

A dentist will examine your teeth and gums for any indications of dental issues like cavities, gum disease, or oral cancer during a dental cleaning. 

Phases Involved in a Dental Cleaning Procedure

Dental Cleaning Procedure

In general, keeping your mouth healthy and avoiding dental issues depend on having frequent dental cleanings. 

It is better to go for a dental cleaning every six months or as directed by your dentist or dental hygienist.

Your oral health needs will determine how long or short a dental cleaning you require; this depends on how well you care for your teeth at home.

In this section of the dental cleaning cost guide, we will talk about the standard steps of the procedure.

1.Thorough Dental Examination 

The dental clinic will assess the condition of your gums and teeth by looking inside your mouth. Additionally, they are able to recognize any obvious symptoms of gum disease, cavities, and other oral health problems.

Suppose the doctor suspects a bigger issue, and then, to acquire a more thorough picture of your mouth, you may require imaging with the help of X-rays.

2.Remove Tartar

Your hygienist will use a scaler to remove tartar and plaque buildup from your teeth. 

This is crucial because tartar can aggravate gum disease and tooth damage and is challenging to eliminate at home when brushing and flossing. 

The length of any of the steps can vary according to how well you maintain your teeth. Similarly, the dental cleaning cost will depend on it.

3.Polishing Teeth

Your hygienist will polish your teeth after removing any remaining tartar. They will use an abrasive paste and an electric instrument to remove surface stains that brushing alone cannot.

This process eliminates the bacteria in your mouth and leaves your teeth smoother, brighter, and cleaner.


Although you should floss every day at home, your hygienist will floss as part of their cleaning procedure to assist in getting rid of any last bits of debris and plaque that may have accumulated in the spaces between your teeth. 

Your hygienist can find any spots you might be missing by having you floss professionally. This is crucial in averting future dental cavities and periodontal disease.

5.Treatment with Fluoride

Your teeth will receive a fluoride treatment in the last stage of the cleaning process to help strengthen and preserve your tooth enamel. Fluoride is beneficial:

  • Eliminate cavities

  • Lessen the mouth's acidity

  • Remineralize the enamel

The kind of dental cleaning your mouth requires will determine the overall dental cleaning cost. 

The following is a list of the various kinds of dental cleanings.

Types of Dental Cleaning Procedures 

Prophylaxis: Every six months, a standard dental cleaning is performed. While children only require about 30 minutes, adult dental cleanings often take 45 to 60 minutes.

Full Mouth Debridement: In the absence of routine dental cleanings, bacteria and plaque will accumulate as calculus or hardened plaque. This kind of cleaning is performed when there is too much calculus and bleeding to be removed at once.

Fine Scaling: This is the follow-up appointment after a full mouth draining. After the gums have had time to recover and reveal any leftover calculus and plaque, it will eliminate it.

Scaling and Root Planing: A more thorough cleaning is required for patients with gum disease and bone loss. Plaque, calculus, and bacteria, both above and below the gum line will be eliminated by a deep cleaning.

Perio Maintenance: Following scaling and root planing, patients with gum disease will require more regular cleanings. Maintenance cleanings every three to four months must stabilize the harmful bacteria.

How Much is Teeth Cleaning Without Insurance

How Much is Teeth Cleaning Without Insurance

Although the dental cleaning cost in Ontario may vary, a routine cleaning typically costs between $150 and $250. 

Even if you don't have any dental issues, getting a cleaning every six months may help avoid issues down the road that might need more involved, time-consuming operations.

Not everyone has dental insurance in Ontario. More than 30% of Canadians don't have dental insurance and are unable to afford the out-of-pocket dental costs.

Fortunately, dental cleanings are not too expensive compared to future procedures you may require if you disregard your oral health.

Depending on the dentist's office, pre-insurance cleaning costs will change. 

You should budget more money for a deep cleaning, if necessary, rather than a routine cleaning. 

Remember that certain cases require multiple sessions of deep dental cleanings.

Regular cleaning without X-rays can range in price from $75 to $200, based on the particular dental clinic an individual opts for. 

However, indicates that the median cost ranges from $80 to $175. If X-rays are included of the routine cleaning, the cost should be somewhat higher, usually between $100 and $300.

The median dental cleaning cost for the majority of dental patients ranges from $114 to $320.

1.Deep Cleaning

Because scaling and root planning are involved, deep cleaning is far more expensive than routine cleaning. 

The dental cleaning cost of this process may cost anything from $100 to $450.

2.Full Mouth Debridement

The total cost of full-mouth debridement in all four quadrants (the mouth is divided into four sections: upper right, lower right, upper left, and lower left) ranges from $500 to $4,000. 

Naturally, these expenses may increase based on the extent of cleaning required and the necessity of antibiotics. There is an additional fee of $35 to $85 per tooth if you choose to proceed.

If you have insurance, you should budget between $74 to $150. On the other hand, without insurance, you need to pay around $390 to $3,800. 

For the majority of patients, the median dental cleaning cost of this procedure is $1,257.

3.Periodontal Maintenance 

An average dental cleaning cost of $3,600 for a full mouth procedure, including anesthetics, can be very costly. 

Maintenance treatments following the initial periodontal therapy will normally cost approximately $115 per session.

Ways to Reduce the Dental Cleaning Cost 

In Ontario, there are a number of ways to lower the overall dental cleaning cost. 

Here are some programs that make dental cleaning costs affordable for everyone:

Government Initiatives

Although Canada's public healthcare system does not typically cover dental treatment, several government programs do cover it for particular populations, including seniors, low-income families, and children.

  1. Healthy Smiles Ontario: It offers qualifying children and teenagers (17 years of age and younger) free preventative, routine, and emergency dental services.

  2. Quebec Dental Care for Children: This program provides children under the age of ten with basic dental care, including cleanings.

  3. The Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program: It provides dental coverage to qualified First Nations and Inuit people, including preventative treatment.

  4. Provincial Programs: A few provinces offer extra assistance to low-income citizens, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

  5. Financing Options by Dental Clinics: Many dental clinics like KWC Dental provide financing options and student insurance to cover the dental cleaning cost of the patients.


How much does the basic dental cleaning cost in Canada?

In Canada, the normal dental cleaning cost lies between $100 and $300. The location of the dentist's office, the difficulty of the cleaning, and the necessity of other procedures (such as scaling and root planing, fluoride treatment, etc.) can all affect the dental cleaning cost.

Does dental insurance cover the entire dental cleaning cost?

Many dental insurance policies in Canada cover a routine dental cleaning cost fully or partially. You should speak with your insurance company to learn the precise details of your policy, including any limitations or annual caps.

What is the dental cleaning cost with insurance in Canada?

Depending on the particular plan and coverage details, the median out-of-pocket cost for a dental cleaning in Canada with insurance is normally between around $70 and $150.

In a Nutshell

So, the dental cleaning cost is between $150 and $250. With this blog, you know the detailed of "how much is teeth cleaning without insurance?".

Not visiting a dentist for cleaning and examination can result in bigger dental and overall health issues. Therefore, rather than ignoring it because of the dental cleaning cost, you can option that make it accessible.

If you have any further questions about the dental cleaning cost, contact KWC Dental today!

Muhammad Aslam