Denture Cost Breakdown: Factors To Consider

Denture Cost Breakdown

Before we start, let’s answer the question that brought you here: how much do dentures cost?

The cost varies between $300 to several thousand per arch. 

When given a choice, no one would ever choose dentures.

Sadly, some people don’t get the option to choose. A denture is a reliable solution to replace a decayed tooth or cover up a lost tooth.

Many people get discouraged by the idea of the implicated cost. 

Therefore, in this blog, we will discuss how much do dentures cost in detail.

Factors Affecting Denture Cost 

Some may see dentures as a costly undertaking. However, the denture cost varies significantly from one person to another. 

The following are those elements:

1.Type of Dentures 

There is a series of types of dentures to choose from. Here is the comprehensive list.

  1. Conventional complete full dentures

  2. Partial dentures

  3. Personalised dentures

  4. Immediate dentures

  5. Implant-supported dentures

  6. Overdentures

  7. snap-in dentures

  8. Overdentures

  9. Implant-supported dentures

  10. Upper dentures

  11. Economy dentures

The denture cost depends on the type of dentures.

You can find two types in the market, i.e., standard and precision dentures.

The standard one follows the general measurements of an average person.

It may or may not fit everyone. 

The precision is made on the alignment of the jaw and gums to sit in the mouth flawlessly.

It is obvious that these dentures are custom-made, requiring time and effort.

To build precision, the jaw movements need to be recorded to analyse how the denture will interact with the existing permanent teeth.

For that, you need to go for extra appointments at the dental clinic

2. Choice of Material

A person can choose from a series of materials when it comes to dentures. The material decides how resistant they would be to wear and tear.

The materials include acrylic resin and porcelain.

Acrylic resin is cheaper than porcelain, but it doesn’t last as long.

On the other hand, porcelain is known for being strong and durable.

The third type of material is partial metal dentures.

Such dentures have a metal denture base and composite teeth to resemble the original teeth. To form these dentures, one should be extremely skilled and dedicated.

Due to that, the denture cost goes up.

How Much Do Dentures Cost? (Explained)

How Much Do Dentures Cost

Depending on the materials and methods of denture construction, the typical cost of dentures varies significantly. 

However, the typical cost of a standard full set of dentures is approximately $1,800. 

Here is a rough idea of how much do dentures cost:

1.Low-Quality Dentures

A complete set of lower and upper dentures can cost anywhere from $600 to $1,000. Low-cost dentures typically cost between $300 and $500 for each plate. Typically, they are composed of low-quality materials and are cold-cured, giving them an unnatural appearance.

2.Mid-Grade Dentures 

The denture cost for a single plate is anywhere from $500 to $1,500. A whole set of mid-range dentures cost between $1,000 and $3,000. Compared to cold-cured dentures, heat-cured dentures seem more real and last longer.

3.Top Quality Dentures

The denture cost for the premium ones is between $2,000 and $4,000 for each denture or $4,000 and $8,000 for an entire set.

These are heat-cured, composed of fine-quality materials, and are fully personalised. By wearing them, no one would know about your missing teeth.

Consider obtaining dental implants if you want a more long-term solution to your dental issues. The price of implants will be higher than the denture cost.

Read More: All-on-4 Dental Implants: A Life-Changing Treatment

Financing Options to Reduce Denture Cost

In some cases, the insurance plans cover half of the denture cost.

At KWC Dental, even students who don’t have dental insurance can get coverage for various services.


Do dentures alter speech?

Yes, if you are new to dentures, it may take some time for your speech to return to normal.

How much do denture implants cost?

For a single implant, the cost will be around $3100 to 5800.

What are some affordable denture types?

The most cost-effective ones are standard and immediate dentures.


Hopefully, this blog answered your question, "how much do dentures cost?" and everything along the lines of denture cost.

To make any denture last longer, you need good care and cleaning with denture cleaning tablets.

For further queries on denture cost, feel free to contact us!

Muhammad Aslam