What You Must Know About Laser Teeth Whitening Toronto
Having white teeth is an important quality that many people believe they should possess. It allows one to give a perfect smile with high confidence. Of course, not every person has white teeth due to aging, lifestyle, genetics, and more.
The good news is the dental industry has evolved with time to offer precise teeth whitening treatments. These are better than at-home solutions one may opt for to improve their teeth colour.
Below is everything you must know about laser teeth whitening Toronto treatments.
What Is Laser Teeth Whitening Toronto?
Laser teeth whitening Toronto is a dental cosmetics procedure to enhance one's teeth colour. It uses special solutions and a laser to remove stains from teeth and return them to their original white state.
Such a treatment is mainly performed by a professional teeth whitening expert in their office. The procedure will brighten your smile and boost your confidence.
The main solution used for laser teeth whitening Toronto is hydrogen peroxide, which acts as a bleaching agent. This is why the procedure is also called laser teeth bleaching.
How Does Laser Teeth Whitening Work?
Every dentist almost follows the same procedure for laser teeth whitening Toronto. The only difference may be the concentration of hydrogen peroxide used. That is because the solution amount depends on the type of white shade a person wants for their teeth.
So let’s look at the key steps of how does laser teeth whitening work:
1. Preparation For Laser Teeth Whitening Toronto
A dentist will first take an impression of your teeth to prepare a mould. This will be used to create a customized tray to accommodate the shape of your teeth. You will take the tray home and use it later for whitening maintenance.
The professional teeth whitening expert will then place a prop or bite-down guard in your mouth. It will help keep your mouth open for the procedure.
You will also be given protective eyewear to keep your eyes safe from the solutions that will be used in later steps.
A resin material will also be placed on your gums to protect them from being damaged by hydrogen peroxide.
2. Application Of Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach Solution
Once you're all prepped, your professional teeth whitening expert will apply a hydrogen peroxide solution to your front teeth. The strength of this solution will vary depending on how stained your teeth are.
After hydrogen peroxide application, you must remain in the same position for a few minutes. Then, your dentist will directly use a laser to heat the bleaching agent.
This will activate particles in the hydrogen peroxide solution that will allow it to serve as a teeth-whitening agent.
3. Activation By Laser
Most dentists apply heat to the bleaching agent using a laser for 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, you should not change your position or move your mouth for a smooth process.
After 20 minutes, the dentist will remove the laser-treated bleaching agent using a vacuum. They will wipe your teeth and repeat the earlier steps a few times for whitening teeth if you schedule back-to-back sessions.
The entire process is usually completed within an hour. The professional teeth whitening expert will remove the barrier from your gums and help you rinse your mouth at the end.
Also Read: https://www.kwcdental.com/blog/cosmetic-dentistry-options-in-canada
Laser Teeth Whitening Vs Zoom
Laser teeth whitening Toronto and Zoom are two procedures that help with whitening teeth. They both have some similarities such as the use of hydrogen peroxide solution in both.
However, the mechanism of activation of the bleaching agent is different. A laser teeth whitening procedure uses a laser to heat the solution and whiten teeth.
Meanwhile, Zoom uses ultraviolet light to activate hydrogen peroxide. The results of both procedures are similar, but laser teeth whitening is preferred by dentists and patients.
At-Home Teeth Whitening Vs Laser Teeth Whitening Toronto
Many people use at-home solutions for whitening teeth such as whitening toothpastes. However, these are not accurate or offer long-term solutions for teeth staining or discoloration.
At-home remedies only take care of surface stains, but they are not effective for internal stains. So, you will require alternative solutions for such discoloration.
A laser teeth whitening Toronto procedure is performed by a professional dentist using innovative equipment. It uses bleaching solutions that remove stains from external and internal surfaces of teeth through good penetration.
This is why laser teeth whitening is a better solution for whitening teeth instead of at-home remedies.
How Long Does The Results Of Laser Teeth Whitening Toronto Take?
Laser teeth whitening Toronto will take at least five days to offer you proper results. During this period, one must avoid eating foods with colouring agents.
For example, you must not have tomato sauce pasta for five days after your laser teeth whitening procedure. Since it takes a few days for your teeth to brighten, any coloured substance will prevent that from happening.
So your teeth whitening cost and time would be wasted if you don't take necessary precautions after laser teeth whitening. The new white colour of your teeth will be completely locked after five days.
How Long Does Laser Teeth Whitening Last?
Laser teeth whitening in Toronto can last three months to about three years. The exact time will depend on various factors such as:
Eating habits
Drinking habits
Whether you’re a smoker or non-smoker
The strength of hydrogen peroxide used to bleach the teeth
Typically, people who intake coloured items such as diet Coke and energy drinks often suffer from short-lasting effects.
Meanwhile, people who maintain proper aftercare habits can enjoy white teeth for three years or sometimes even more.
Laser Teeth Whitening Toronto Aftercare
Many people know the answer to how does laser teeth whitening work. However, they rarely have enough information about aftercare steps that make the treatment last for years.
So let’s look at the steps you can take to enhance the lifespan of your laser teeth whitening Toronto treatment:
1. Avoid Colored Foods
The top thing you can do for white teeth is give up on coloured food items and beverages. This is especially true for the latter item because different drinks can harm the structure and colour of your teeth.
For example, tea and coffee are two items that can hurt your laser treatment the most. These beverages stain teeth strongly and penetrate internal surfaces.
This is why it is advised to avoid drinking tea and coffee regularly. You may enjoy these drinks once in a blue moon. Another step to reduce the staining effects of these beverages is to use a straw for drinking.
You should also avoid coloured food items such as spaghetti with marinara sauce, raspberries, blueberries, and more.
2. Practice Good Oral Hygiene
Most people only give up on their favorite beverages such as iced lattes after laser teeth whitening treatments for long-lasting results. However, oral hygiene also plays an important role in aftercare.
Regularly brushing teeth before sleeping and after waking up daily is necessary to remove food particles from building up. Flossing teeth is another good practice to maintain oral hygiene.
Using customized trays is also important for maintaining teeth whiteness. A dentist will always take mould impressions of your teeth to create the tray during the whitening procedure.
You can use the tray on your teeth once a month for 30 minutes. The tray ensures that the bleaching agent will not leak from your teeth.
Learn More: https://www.kwcdental.com/blog/what-kinds-of-dental-floss-should-you-use
3. Stop Or Reduce Smoking
Smoking cessation is a good practice that will not only save your teeth from staining but also improve your quality of life. Tobacco particles from smoking can build up on teeth.
This will cause your teeth to lose their white colour with time. It also interferes with the bleaching action of hydrogen peroxide. So laser teeth whitening doesn't last long in regular smokers.
Laser Teeth Whitening Pros And Cons
Laser teeth whitening Toronto has some benefits, such as quick results, high safety, and more. It also has drawbacks, such as temporary whitening results. Let's look more about these things below.
Pros Of Laser Teeth Whitening Toronto
1. Quick Results
Within a few hours of laser teeth whitening, your teeth will start to brighten. The whiteness will enhance within a few days, and after the completion of five days, the white shade will lock in.
These results will also last for years, so there will be no need to opt for at-home whitening solutions.
2. Safer And More Effective Than At-Home Teeth Whitening
What's best about teeth whitening is that it uses safe materials for bleaching. The usage of laser is also safer than UV light or at-home teeth whitening methods.
That is because no preservatives or harmful chemicals are used for laser teeth whitening. So you can rest assured you will not suffer teeth or gum damage by the professional teeth whitening treatment.
It is also more effective than other remedies such as whitening strips, toothpaste for teeth whitening, mouthwashes, and more.
3. Relatively Painless
Laser teeth whitening is a painless procedure because no harmful substances or equipment are used. Some people with sensitive teeth may experience discomfort or shock-like feeling in their teeth after the treatment.
However, this sensitivity subsides quickly and does not cause pain to the patient.
Cons Of Laser Teeth Whitening Toronto
1. Requires Multiple Sessions
Laser teeth whitening Toronto requires about three to four sessions to achieve the perfect shade of white. You may be satisfied with results after one session, however you must complete at least three sessions to enjoy long-lasting effects.
These sessions are usually conducted back-to-back on the same day. You can also opt to have them scheduled on different days, depending on your availability.
2. It Doesn’t Offer Permanent Results
There is no permanent treatment for whitening teeth. Laser procedure will help you enjoy white teeth for up to three years if you maintain:
Good oral hygiene
Improved lifestyle habits
Usage of custom trays
After three years, your teeth may not be as white as they were after day one of treatment. However, if you maintain good lifestyle habits, your teeth may not show discoloration even if they aren't as white.
3. Good Aftercare Habits Are Necessary
Many people think they'll not have to make any efforts to maintain teeth colour after the whitening treatment. That is a misconception.
Laser teeth whitening will improve your teeth colour, but maintaining the results will require effort on your part. For example, you must brush your teeth regularly.
Giving up on carbonated beverages and coffee will also be helpful for long-term results. The need for aftercare is a drawback for many people because changing their lifestyle is a big task.
Who Is Eligible For Laser Teeth Whitening Toronto?
You must be above 18 years old to get laser teeth whitening treatment. Your teeth must also be stained or discoloured when opting for the procedure.
How Much Is Laser Teeth Whitening In Canada?
Laser teeth whitening in Canada can cost you about $800 to $1,500. The price will depend on the extent of teeth discoloration because that will determine the amount of materials, such as hydrogen peroxide required for the process.
Is Teeth Whitening Covered By Insurance Canada?
Teeth whitening with laser, UV light, or other methods are not covered by insurance in Canada. That is because this is a cosmetic procedure and not a dental treatment.
Is Laser Good For Teeth Whitening?
Laser is great for teeth whitening because it can activate bleaching material promptly. Even with one session, you can enjoy long-lasting results, so you will not have to get whitening treatment often.
Connect With KWC Dental Now For Laser Teeth Whitening Toronto
Laser teeth whitening is an effective procedure that reduces the extent of stains and brightens one's teeth. A laser is mainly used as a means to heat and activate the bleaching agent for whitening teeth.
If you want to get rid of stains on your teeth, contacting a professional dentist will help you. So phone us now to learn more about this dental cosmetic procedure and how it can help you enjoy a bright smile.