Tooth Numbering System: Your Guide To Understanding Dental Lingo Anywhere In The World

A model representing adult human teeth.

A tooth numbering system is a form of dental notation experts use for easy communication. These are numbers that you may hear during a dental appointment and get scared of.

However, there is nothing worrisome about hearing these teeth numbers Canada at an appointment. 

Dentists in every country use a tooth numbering system for various purposes, so understanding the most common ones is a good idea.

Knowing the tooth numbering system is also great if you want to know what's happening in your dentist's office. So let's look at the specifics of teeth numbers Canada and more.

What Is A Tooth Numbering System?

Tooth numbering is used by dentists to denote a specific tooth during general appointments. They may also link other information to the number such as the mouth region in which the tooth is present.

The main purpose of a tooth numbering system is to help dentists identify a tooth easily. It can also be used to refer to a specific tooth on a radiograph in meetings without using long names.

Types Of Tooth Numbering System

There is no single system for tooth numbering in the world. Instead, you will encounter multiple systems when looking for information on this term.

Currently, three tooth numbering systems are the most common in the dental industry. These include:

  • Federation Dentaire Internationale (FDI) is the top tooth numbering system used in Canada, Saudi Arabia, and most European countries except the UK

  • The Universal Tooth Numbering System is most commonly used in the US

  • Palmer Tooth Numbering System is primarily used in the UK

So the numbers you hear in your dentist’s office will vary according to the country in which you’re getting your procedure.

Types Of Permanent Human Teeth

An illustration of different types of permanent human teeth.

Before learning about the tooth numbering system, it is useful to know the type of adult (permanent) teeth one has for better understanding. Remember primary teeth are mainly baby teeth which includes all of the teeth types below except premolars.

1. Incisors

Incisors are the small but sharp teeth that one usually sees when another person is smiling. They have sharp edges that allow a person to bite food items easily.

Every person has two types of incisors: central incisor and lateral incisor. These are present in the oral cavity in two pairs.

This means every person has 4 central incisors, two in the upper part oral cavity and two in the lower oral cavity. The same pattern follows for the lateral incisors.

2. Canines

Canines are beside incisors with highly sharp edges that allow one to tear into food items such as chicken.

Every adult has two pairs of canines called cuspids. You can find two cuspids in the upper oral cavity and two in the lower cavity, making up a total of four canines.

3. Premolars

Premolars are greater in size than incisors and canines because their main function is grinding food. This is why they have a large surface area to easily generate the force required to chew food into pieces.

These teeth are also known as bicuspids which are divided into:

  • First bicuspids

  • Second bicuspids

Every person has two first bicuspids in their upper cavity and two in their lower cavity, making a total of four first bicuspids.

The same pattern follows for second bicuspids. This is why a person has a total of eight premolars.

4. Molars

Molars are the largest and strongest teeth a person has. They are also used for grinding food and do more work than incisors, canines, and premolars.

Everyone has three molars which are classified as:

  • First molar

  • Second molar

  • Third molar (Wisdom Teeth)

Two pairs of each molar are present in the upper and lower parts of the oral cavity. This means every person will have four first molars, four second molars, and four third molars. So every adult has a total of 12 molars.

Third molars are additional teeth that may or may not appear in one’s life. This is why they’re discussed separately in the next section.    

5. Wisdom Tooth

A wisdom tooth is the last to erupt in a person, but it may not be present in every person. Sometimes it also causes high pain and may have to be extracted to offer pain relief from the wisdom tooth.

Most people usually get one or two wisdom teeth in each quadrant of their mouth. However, the maximum number of wisdom teeth a person can get is four.

FDI Tooth Numbering System

A diagrammatic representation of the FDI tooth numbering system.

The FDI tooth numbering system is highly common in Canada because of its convenience. It is a standardized two-digit system to understand the position and type of teeth. Let's look at everything about it:

Quadrants For Permanent Teeth

Permanent teeth are adult teeth that have completed their development. These are divided into four quadrants by dental experts:

  • Quadrant 1 refers to the top right teeth in your oral cavity (Teeth 11 to 18 come in this quadrant)

  • Quadrant 2 includes top left teeth in your mouth (Teeth 21 to 28 come here)

  • Quadrant 3 refers to the lower left teeth in your oral cavity (Teeth numbers 31 to 38 come in this)

  • Quadrant 4 includes lower right teeth in your mouth (Teeth 41 to 48 come under this quadrant)

The quadrants are named according to the way a dentist looks at a patient's teeth. A professional will look at the top right teeth and then check the top left teeth. 

Then, they will look at the teeth directly below the top left teeth that is the lower left teeth. This is why Quadrant 3 refers to bottom left teeth instead of bottom left.

Finally, the last teeth your dentist will look at are the bottom right teeth.

Quadrants For Primary Teeth

Primary teeth are also known as baby teeth because they are growing teeth which are replaced by permanent adult teeth eventually. 

These are also divided into quadrants for ease of identification. However, the quadrant number and area of the oral cavity differ in primary teeth.

  • Quadrant 5 refers to the upper right teeth in your oral cavity

  • Quadrant 6 includes upper left teeth in your mouth

  • Quadrant 7 refers to the bottom left teeth in your oral cavity

  • Quadrant 8 includes the bottom right teeth in your mouth

If you take your child to a dentist and sit in the same room where the procedure is being done, you will commonly hear these quadrant numbers.

Learn More: 

Teeth Numbers Canada

The first step to comprehend the FDI teeth numbers Canada is to understand the quadrant numbers because the rest part is easy. 

Remember the FDI system is a two-digit system where the first digit represents the quadrant number. Meanwhile, the type of tooth will represent the other digit.

  • Tooth 1 represents central incisors in all quadrants

  • Tooth 2 is always the lateral incisor in each quadrant

  • Tooth 3 represents cuspids in every quadrant

  • Tooth 4 indicates the first bicuspid in all quadrants

  • Tooth 5 is the second bicuspid in each quadrant

  • Tooth 6 represents the first molar in every quadrant

  • Tooth 7 indicates the second molar in all quadrants

  • Tooth 8 is the third molar in each quadrant (remember this tooth may not be present in everyone)

So when a dentist uses the number 21 they are referring to the upper left quadrant's central incisor. Remember the first digit (2) represents the quadrant and the second represents the tooth number (1).

Interpretation Of Teeth Numbers Canada

Now that you know the FDI tooth numbering system, you can easily test yourself on it by writing down the meaning of each number in this system. 

Let’s look at the summary of each tooth number and its meaning according to the FDI system:

A table chart explaining the meaning of tooth numbers under FDI system.


Universal Tooth Numbering System

A vector diagram of the Universal tooth numbering system.

The Universal Tooth Numbering System is mainly used in the US and is also called the ADA System.

Universal Tooth Numbering System For Permanent Teeth

Instead of quadrants, the Universal System uses maxillary and mandibular regions to represent areas of the mouth. These include:

  • Right Maxillary represents the upper right part

  • Left Maxillary indicates the upper left part

  • Left Mandibular is the lower left part

  • Right Mandibular refers to the lower right part

Meanwhile, the tooth number ranges from 1 to 32, depending on the mouth region. So when a dentist says tooth one, they're referring to the third molar in the right maxillary or upper region. 

Here’s how your teeth are represented in the Universal Tooth Numbering System:

A chart graphic to interpret permanent teeth numbers according to the universal system.

Universal Tooth Numbering System For Primary Teeth

The Universal Tooth Numbering System for primary teeth is relatively simple because it only uses letters to represent teeth. 

Remember the region pattern remains the same as the Universal system for permanent teeth.

A table interpreting primary tooth numbering under the universal system.

So when a dentist mentions tooth O to their nurse or assistant, they're referring to the central incisor in the left mandibular region.

Palmer Tooth Numbering System

The Palmer Tooth Numbering System is famous in UK dental clinics. It is a combination of teeth numbers Canada and the ADA quadrants along with a symbol addition.

Palmer Tooth Numbering System For Permanent Teeth

The Palmer Tooth Numbering System for permanent teeth uses the same tooth numbers as the FDI Tooth Numbering system. So the teeth are numbered as follows:

  • Tooth 1 represents central incisors 

  • Tooth 2 is the lateral incisor 

  • Tooth 3 represents cuspids 

  • Tooth 4 indicates the first bicuspid 

  • Tooth 5 is the second bicuspid 

  • Tooth 6 represents the first molar 

  • Tooth 7 indicates the second molar

  • Tooth 8 is the third molar

The number is then represented by a symbol that may look like a regular or an upside-down L to denote the quadrant:

  • Right Maxillary is shown by ┘

  • Left Maxillary indicates └

  • Left Mandibular is the symbol ┌

  • Right Mandibular is shown by ┐

So if a notation is written as 1┘, it refers to the central incisor in the right maxillary or upper region.

Palmer Tooth Numbering System For Primary Teeth

The Palmer Tooth Numbering System for primary teeth follows the same quadrant symbols as the one for permanent teeth. However, this system follows letters for tooth numbering such as:

  • A is for central incisor

  • B is for lateral incisor

  • C is for canine

  • D is for the first molar

  • E is for second molar

So if a notation is written as A┘, it refers to the central incisor in the right maxillary or upper region in a child.


How To Identify Teeth Numbers Canada?

Teeth numbers Canada can be identified using the FDI Tooth Numbering System.

What Teeth Are 11, 16, 17, And 32?

Teeth 11, 16, and 17 refer to the upper right quadrant's central incisor, first molar, and second molar respectively. Meanwhile, teeth 32 refer to the left lower quadrant's lateral incisor.

What Are The Advantages Of The FDI Tooth Numbering System?

FDI Tooth Numbering System can be easily used in clinical settings to specify oral cavity regions and particular teeth for easy communication. It also helps with record-keeping using a simple numerical system.

What Is The Most Commonly Used Tooth Numbering System?

The most commonly used tooth numbering system worldwide is the Palmer System. However, the most common one in Canada is the FDI System.

Call KWC Dental Today To Set Up An Appointment With Our Dental Expert

The FDI Tooth Numbering System can be difficult to understand for beginners. You may confuse the tooth numbers with quadrant numbers.

However, a dental expert can help you in such cases. So call us today to consult our professionals about the numbers you may have heard in your previous appointment and their interpretation.

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